How to decorate your workspace to achieve your goals: 4 rules

How to decorate your workspace to achieve your goals: 4 rules

Apart from the fact that your chair should be the proper one, we offer you these four rules, which will allow you to use your working area as an ally to achieve what you want.

1. Make it stimulant

Turn it into the place where you would like to spend your whole day, use your favorite colors for accessories and walls. If you cannot do this because it is not your office, hang pictures of nature in those hues.  

Caution: if your favorite colors are red, yellow, and orange, use them discreetly, since if it is true that they awaken your creativity, it is also a fact that they can encourage loss of concentration when used excessively.

Blue, purple, and white will help you focus and stay calm, and green will provide tranquility and it is perfect for teamwork.

Combining two colors is better to obtain the state you want.

Get a penholder you love and only if you are a plant lover, add a small one that does not need much care.

Photo: Pinterest

2. Place your desk correctly

Place your desk as close to a window or light source as you can, so you are not in the way of the light and preserve your outdoor view (if you’re lucky to have one).

Don’t turn your back to the door! This causes your brain to stress and wear out, since it has to be aware of whatever happens in the back; if this is not possible, place a mirror facing the door.

Photo: Pinterest

3. Keep your goals and activity plan in sight

A blackboard wall is always cool. Another option is cork, and nice tacks can come in handy. The important thing is to write down and keep in mind the goals you want to achieve, the tasks you have to complete in order to do so, and a calendar with the dates in which these tasks have to be completed.

A daily and hourly plan is also useful to help you plan your activities in a realistic way.

Always have a support image to help you visualize your goal.

Photo: Pinterest

4. Eliminate temptations

And I don’t mean chocolate. Instead, remove anything that does not help you achieve your goals from your working space. In a sincerity exercise with yourself, you will have to identify these items; for some professions, the phone is essential for work, as well as magazines or a gym kit. For others, they are not.

If you want to play music, keep the volume low, so you can listen to your ideas, and prefer instrumental music over songs with lyrics. Rumor has it that Mozart is great for concentration and motivation. Perhaps this is a good excuse to rediscover the classics.

Photo: Pinterest

And finally, a little tidiness won’t hurt anyone. Keep your working area clean and ordered by topics, keeping in hand only what you will use for the moment.

And especially, love what you do.