We all dream about the perfect home, but today, making that dream come true becomes a challenge; high construction and housing costs reduce our possibilities. What would happen if the chance of reducing expenses and taking part in the work were available? Perhaps that would offer an added value to the definition of home, along with a unique design.
Studio Bark unveils the first “U-Build Home”, two-floor house built by the client and a team of students. It is one of the 10 self-built pioneer houses located in Graven Hill, Bicester (England) and its development will eventually comprise 1900 Custom Houses and Self Build (CBS).

The CBS housing is a spectrum of true self-construction, where the client produces the house physically and fully personalized. The owners of this space did not have the economic means to pay independent contractors, and in response, Studio Bark developed an innovative package system known as U-Build. The idea is that the construction is simple enough for clients to carry it out themselves, and yet stable enough so it complies with structural safety tests.
The package is modular, flexible, and can be installed in standard plywood sheets, resulting in minimal waste. The house is 95 square meters, has two bedrooms, and was built in just 100 hours, made by using manual handling techniques.